Provide an educational, social and learning environment for members that communicates the contemporary knowledge, skills, values and ethics of administration and management through the exchange of competent information on the delivery of health care and human services.
Encourage a collegial environment for networking and fellowship with colleagues and associates, whether professional or personal, so as to share thoughts and ideas, as well as to help members develop and maintain the knowledge and skills required for their competency in the administration and management of health and human services.
Facilitate and maintain a diverse membership of current and potential leaders within all sectors involved with the direct and indirect delivery of health and human services.
Provide a forum through which the diverse membership can contribute to the collective learning of all members and others within the health and human services, including legislators, consultants, lawyers, payers, vendors and providers of services.
Provide collaborative relationships with health care, human services, academic and other organizations/associations through which the membership can receive beneficial learning and services, as well as contribute to the development of others within the field.
Advocate the sponsorship of new members into the professional association and support their involvement in contributing to the meetings, programs and activities of the association.
Apply the collective knowledge, competencies and skills of the membership in the training, development and learning assistance of students pursuing academic degrees for careers in the administration and management of health care and human services.
Participate in community service roles to help provide effective and quality activities that enhance the learning and care received by recipients of public health, human service and other socially essential needs.
Provide a means for discourse to understand, analyze and contribute to issues of public policy impacting the delivery of health care and human services.
Facilitate a career development approach for the membership that gives guidance for professional opportunities and advancement.
Assure that the organization conducts its activities in a manner, which merits trust, confidence and respect of the health and human services professions, while promoting an atmosphere that demonstrates ethical standards and the principles of professional practice.